About Us
Occupational Safety and Health Professional Services (OSH Pro Services) is an organisation which endeavours to bring about a better understanding of what occupational safety and health (OSH) entails for employers and their employees, for other interested parties and stakeholders. OSH Pro Services brings together occupational physicians, experiences workplace inspectors, risk assessors and statistician, IT-consultant as associates in a grand team working towards improving workers OSH.
In addition, as part of our wider network, we have contacts and work in cooperation with various organisations, OSH professional bodies and individual experts, both local and international, who we can turn to for support to our programs. The overall objective is to promote good OSH practices in workplaces, and in so doing improving workers’ work ability.

Our Mission
To improve the occupational health and hence work ability of workers by creating health promoting workplaces through better understanding of occupational safety and health.
Our Vision
To be the premium builder of capacity and competence on occupational health and safety.
Get In Touch
Get In Touch
80100, 98919.
Coast House, Kilindini District
(254) 701-591533