occupational safety and health
FOR A health-promoting work culture in Africa
OSH Pro Services is on a mission, championing occupational safety through knowledge-based interaction, research, bench-marking and providing tools for workplace safety management.
Winner of:
Afrisafe Awards, 2023 and 2024

OSH Pro Services was awarded with Afrisafe Merit Award for “Exemplary Contribution Towards Improving Health, Safety and Environment and Well-being in Africa” in 2023; and in 2024, a commendation award.
OSH Pro Services appreciates this great honour with humbleness and looks at it as motivation and a challenge to do even more in the coming years.
Many thanks to HSENation/Afrisafe and the team of judges who found our work worth such a recognition. OSH Pro Services will continue to work tirelessly in promoting the occupational health and safety of workers and others in Kenya, in Africa and beyond.
We look forward to the future with confidence on positive development, and with ambitions to contribute further in this community important task.
Knowledge and Competence
Knowledge and competence are the most essential elements in promoting occupational safety and health. OSH Pro Services strives to be at the forefront of promoting knowledge and improving workers’ as well as employers and other stakeholders’ competencies. Most OSH Pro Services programs focus on knowledge development, competence, and capacity building.
Good Practices
Good work practices are key to workplace safety. OSH Pro Services works towards identifying solutions to workplace challenges through research and assessments. OSH Pro Services views good practices with a much wider lens, including systematic work environment paradigms, records keeping, proper reporting, and workers’ follow-up.
Workers well-being
Healthy workers mean good business. That is why OSH Pro Services puts workers’ work ability as the most significant item and therefore strives to support and promote workers’ good occupational health, both physically and mentally. OSH Pro Services programs and solutions are to ensure improved workers’ well-being. Happy, healthy workers mean good and efficient production, which is good for business.
“How you do your work today determines the quality of life and health for the remaining part of your life.”
Upcoming: OSH Conference 2025 - Protecting workers and creating healthy workplaces
The Conference covers various items under the following topics:
- New trends and practices – from research to implementation
- Proceedings in occupational health promotion
- Work environment management and development
- Mental health and well-being
- Workplace toxicology and chemical safety
- OSH management systems
- OSH policies and compliance management
What we do
Conferences and Exhibitions
OSH Pro brings together OSH professionals/experts, researchers, employers, workers and other interested parties, both local and international, to share competencies, skills and exchange experiences with the overall objective to propagate health-promoting OSH practices and workers’ work ability.
OSH Research
As part of its portfolio, OSH Pro Services is conducting OSH research to identify the most practical solutions to occupational safety and health challenges. Further, specific workplace-focused research work would be conducted in cooperation with workplaces to establish good practices and improve the work environment.
Workplace Survey
OSH Pro Services conducts workplace surveys to assess workplace conditions and other workers’ situations in assisting companies’ management in improving the work environment. Other surveys such as mapping workers’ well-being can also be done.
OSH Workshops
OSH Pro Services hosts and conducts workshops applying creative thinking and discussions between associates and other OSH professionals to find practical solutions and attenuate workplace challenges.
Workplace risk assessment and documentation
OSH Pro Services supports workplace risk assessment to promote good working conditions and reduce incidences of uncertainties by providing tools for systematic and sustainable assessment performance.
Other Services
– OSH Management Systems with cognitive solutions adapted for the workplace.
– Digital workplace solutions include chemicals inventories, safety monitoring and record keeping.
-Tailor-made online training packages for continuous learning of both employers and workers.
Our cliente

Government, Parastatals
We offer services such mapping of OSH requirement implementation to build good basis for all-round occupational health promotion in all affiliates.

Public/Private Sector
Support in dealing with sector OSH challenges through cognitive OSH strategies development and motivation and by providing digital solutions.

Build prevention culture through knowledge-based functional activities and digital tools, and supporting implementation of industrial/occupational hygiene solutions.

Service Providers
Knowledge-based and creative solutions to age-old challenges, with cognitive design that caters for the different needs of different services providers.

Informal Sector
We support, design and administrate research projects on occupational health and work culture and conduct information campaigns on occupational safety and health.

We provide tailor-made workplace solutions to your OSH challenges for all other sectors.